Setting up at The Mall Galleries, London SW1

Set up started this weekend for the 25th Designer Crafts of the Society of Designer Craftsmen at The Mall Galleries, London, SW1. There seem to be hundreds of boxes labelled up with glass, ceramics, jewellery, metal, textiles, mixed media, book and paper art - a treasure store of excitement to come along and enjoy.
The exhibition is open daily from 8th to 17th January, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is also a 'Shop within the Show' featuring work for immediate sale from designer-makers who are showcasing work at the Exhibition.
The exhibition is open daily from 8th to 17th January, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is also a 'Shop within the Show' featuring work for immediate sale from designer-makers who are showcasing work at the Exhibition.